The severe disabilities concentration of our M.Ed. in special education prepares teachers to work with students with the most significant support needs in grades K-12 in public school settings. Courses address physical and medical management issues, functional assessment strategies, longitudinal curriculum planning, systematic instruction, augmentative and alternative communication systems, assistive technology, transition from school to adulthood, positive behavioral supports and the special needs of students with autism or physical, sensory and health-related disabilities.
Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on person-centered planning, school and community inclusion, transdisciplinary teamwork and the role of the family.
All core courses are offered through the Virginia Severe Disabilities Consortium, but are accessed through VCU. Students enrolled in the program complete a field-based externship in their school (if they currently serve students with severe disabilities) or in one of the many public schools in the Richmond area.
Six one-credit-hour externship experiences are spread throughout the course of study and are designed to meet the students’ needs for professional development.
All candidates are required to submit a final portfolio as the capstone requirement of the program. Successful completion of the 46-credit-hour program results in eligibility for Virginia endorsement in special education, adapted curriculum in addition to the Master of Education degree.