Students who successfully complete the NAL concentration within the master’s program are prepared to succeed in a nursing leadership position and are eligible, depending on employment role, to apply for several different nursing administration certification exams offered through the American Nurses Credentialing Center of the American Nurses Association or the American Organization of Nurse Executives.Program goals:

  • Sustain our tradition of leadership in educational excellence by preparing future scholars and leaders for nursing and health care
  • Be a nationally influential center in the development, translation and dissemination of science in biobehavioral clinical research
  • Be a national model for collaboration and partnerships between nursing education and nursing service in academic medical centers
  • Be a national model for clinical scholarship (development and dissemination) in the use of simulation, technology and innovation for best practices in education and practice
  • Provide services that benefit the profession and promote the health and well-being of diverse individuals, families and communities