Core courses in the forensic science curriculum offer broad exposure to forensic laboratory equipment and instrumentation, as well as legal issues, expert testimony, forensic biology, forensic chemistry, trace evidence, physical evidence, professional ethics, quality assurance and current topics in research and development within the forensic sciences. Students entering the program will be required to select a concentration by the end of the first semester. Concentrations offered include forensic biology, forensic chemistry/drugs and toxicology, forensic chemistry/trace and forensic physical analysis. A strong emphasis is placed on laboratory course work, providing students with significant laboratory and research experience. Several of the laboratory courses are taught by practicing professional forensic scientists at the Virginia Division of Forensic Science Central Laboratory, which is nationally accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board.

Student learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to apply basic principles and laboratory procedures of biology and chemistry to forensic science through focused study in the available concentration options.
  • Students will demonstrate capabilities, use, potential and limitations of forensic laboratory theory and techniques.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to perform (report and orally present) independent research in an area of forensic science.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of legal procedure, rules of evidence, ethical and professional duties and responsibilities of the forensic scientist.