The program offered by . Biochemistry majors choose one of two emphasis options in the program:

  • Molecular Biology provides increased emphasis on cell biology and molecular genetics, integrating genetics with the study of life on the molecular level.
  • Biochemistry/biophysics provides increased emphasis on physics and mathematics, applying physics and math to the study of life on the molecular level.
Strengths of the program
  • Learn research techniques and operate advanced equipment.
  • Undertake a research project of your own, mentored by a faculty researcher.
  • The prestigious STARS program helps ambitious, high-achieving students get an early start on research and earn their Ph.D. in biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, or microbiology up to two years faster.
  • You can join a math, science, and engineering community residence hall at WSU Pullman—share classes with your neighbors, study together, get free tutoring, and use the hall’s computer lab.
  • Individualize your course of study within the School of Molecular Biosciences.
  • Study with faculty noted for their work in protein biochemistry, DNA repair, structural biology, molecular plant sciences, food science, and reproductive biology.
  • Introductory Biology I & II
  • Principles of Chemistry I & II
  • Elementary Organic Chemistry I
  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Math for Life Sciences
  • Calculus I
  • Intro to Statistical Methods
  • Biometry
  • General Physics I & II
  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers I & II
  • General Genetics
  • Introductory Biochemistry 
  • Micro/Molecular Biology Lab
  • General Microbiology Lecture
  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology