The program offered by teaches students to create outdoor spaces that support human activities and that positively affect the environment. 

The practice of landscape architecture is concerned with the best ways to design landscapes that protect, enhance, and sustain the ecological and cultural systems that support all life.

From waterfronts to streetscapes, private patios to public pavilions, cities to countryside, the landscape architecture program at WSU teaches students to design environments that merge human needs and desires while protecting or enhancing natural environments, systems, and processes.

Strengths of the program
  • Courses provide small-group experiences, fostering a close and supportive relationship with faculty.
  • Studio time accompanies course work, allowing for hands-on, creative exploration and problem-solving.
  • Work on real-world projects in collaboration with interior design, architecture, and construction management students.
  • Mentoring program helps you develop close relationships and learn from practicing landscape architecture professionals throughout the U.S.
  • Active landscape architecture student club helps you get involved with the profession and find career opportunities.
  • Study tours help you see landscape architecture and design principles at work in natural spaces and the built environment.

With a bachelor of landscape architecture (BLA) degree, graduates can perform as entry level practitioners of landscape architecture. With strong studio preparation and experience collaborating with professionals in the related areas of architecture, interior design, and construction management, WSU graduates are well prepared for landscape architecture careers.

Landscape architects work in a wide range of settings, both private and public. You could work with landscape architecture design firms, engineering companies, architects, planning consultants, or environmental management companies.

You might also build a career with public agencies, such as local and regional parks departments, planning departments, highway departments, various environmental agencies, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the Army Corps of Engineers.