Because business is conducted in so many settings — person-to-person, in large corporations, over the Internet — the business minor covers not only the basics of finance and accounting, but also marketing, business management, and current technology. The program offered by .

Strengths of the Program

  • Make internship and career connections through WSU professors as well as WSU's involved advisory boards of alumni and established professionals.
  • Industry professionals and alumni are frequent guest speakers on contemporary business and economics topics.
  • WSU's outstanding professors take a personal interest in students' goals and provide advice about career opportunities.

Career options are broad with an education in business. Options include manager, statistical consultant, entrepreneur, human resources manager, information systems specialist, accountant, consultant, investment broker, security analyst, and market researcher. Positions are available in the private, public, nonprofit, and government sectors.

By adding a minor in business to your studies--whatever your major may be--you open up greater possibilities of making a good living doing something you enjoy.