The program offered by . In addition to learning vital management skills such as planning, organizing, leadership, and organizational control, students will gain marketable skills by choosing one of two tracks.

  • The human resource management (HRM) track provides skills in areas such as selecting, training, motivating, evaluating, and compensating employees.
  • The innovation and change (I&C) track provides skills in areas such as managing innovation in networks and teams and managing organizational change processes. 
Strengths of the program
  • Four full-time advisors are available to assist in students' academic planning.
  • WSU's Carson College of Business is among only 2% of business programs worldwide whose programs are fully accredited by AACSB International (the world's foremost business accreditation) at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels.
  • All business and courses are in a centralized, state-of-the-art building with wireless computing capability throughout.
  • Learn from internationally recognized professors. Management faculty are ranked among the top 20 for published research output.
  • WSU's management faculty form close relationships with students, bring current research into courses, and provide career guidance.

A major in management prepares students for work in manufacturing, service, for-profit, non-profit, and government organizations.

Typically, graduates start in entry-level positions that can include (but are not limited to) management-training programs, supervisory positions, section or team leaders, or junior management positions.

Graduates have accepted jobs at large organizations such as Battelle, Boeing, Boise Cascade, Enterprise, Ferguson, Microsoft, and Weyerhaeuser. They have also accepted jobs at smaller organizations, gone into family firms, or started their own business.