The program is offered by .?Historical inquiry builds knowledge of past events and in doing so helps inform the decisions we make about our future. At WSU, faculty specialize in many areas of historical research and teaching, including environmental, world, American west, religious, gender, military, and diplomatic history.

Strengths of the program
  • Learn from history professors who enhance their professional development through extensive travel, research, and teaching abroad.
  • Faculty members are distinguished for considering teaching as their primary mission.
  • Several history professors have won major teaching awards.
  • Many opportunities for studying abroad.
  • The Pre-Law Resource Center helps students prepare a path to law school.

Potential jobs:

  • Primary and secondary education
  • Information sciences, library sciences
  • Curating, archiving
  • Research and analysis for intelligence operations, government services
  • Nonprofit management
  • Business management, personnel management, and marketing
  • Law
  • Journalism, technical writing, and editing