The mission of the?Biochemistry programme from?Marist College?is to help?students?acquire a better and more systematic understanding of the physical world, and to disseminate new discoveries to the greater scientific community. Faculty expand the knowledge, skills, and values of all students, and help transition their learning styles from passive to active.

In support of this mission, a research-rich, challenging curriculum engages undergraduate students amidst a supportive environment featuring exceptional access to faculty and facilities. The American Chemical Society-approved curriculum emphasizes extensive hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation and development of effective communication skills.?

Computational modeling is integrated throughout the curriculum as one mechanism to blend contemporary practice with traditional methods. Students receive personal attention and individualized mentoring from faculty and support from their fellow students, creating a strong sense of community.


Graduates of the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics have been very successful at gaining acceptance into medical school, dental school, pharmacy school, and other schools of the health professions. The curricula for both the BA degree in biochemistry and the BS degree in biochemistry (formally listed as chemistry with biochemistry emphasis) automatically fulfill the requisite coursework for most medical and health professional schools.?

The BA degree in biochemistry is often the preferred choice?because the curriculum, by design, provides opportunity for such advanced coursework as comparative anatomy, immunology, vertebrate physiology, as well as medical or health-related internships.