The mathematics major at Marist offers a solid grounding in the ideas and techniques of mathematics. During the junior and senior year, the student can use the upperlevel elective mathematics courses to tailor the major to career goals. Applied Statistics, Operating Research, and Numerical Analysis emphasize the ideas and methods used in business and industry. Abstract Algebra II, Differential Equations, and Complex Variables emphasize the conceptual understanding of mathematics and the techniques useful in the sciences Mathematics majors pursuing certification for Adolescence Education should refer to the Mathematics Education section of the catalog.

?It provides students with a broad understanding of the field of mathematics and its diverse applications. The latest technologies have been incorporated into the curriculum. The program also traces the historical developments of mathematics. Students majoring in mathematics can pursue a secondary school provisional teaching certification.

The first two years of the mathematics program include a four-credit calculus sequence, linear algebra, and a recently introduced course in Mathematical Reasoning. Basic mathematical proof techniques and subject material needed for upper level mathematics courses are taught in the Reasoning course. Upper level courses provide students opportunities for both a broad introduction to higher level mathematics as well as in depth study of selected areas.

In addition, we recognize our responsibilities to the community we serve, and strive to provide opportunity for continuing education at many levels through certificate and undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Sensitivity to the non-traditional student is reflected in our scheduling and mode of delivery as well as in the content of our courses.