The Applied Mathematics programme from?Marist College?provides students with a?strong foundation in traditional mathematics, but it?is also?interdisciplinary in nature, addressing the needs of?students interested in scientific or operational applications of mathematical techniques. Such applications can be found in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, computer science, finance, actuarial science, operations research, industrial mathematics, manufacturing, and many others. These applications require an understanding of the appropriate field, so students are expected to choose one of four subfields outside of mathematics in which to specialize.

In addition, we recognize our responsibilities to the community we serve, and strive to provide opportunity for continuing education at many levels through certificate programs and undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Sensitivity to the non-traditional student is reflected in our scheduling and mode of delivery, as well as?the content of our courses.


There are many career options available to those majoring or minoring in mathematics.


Why do young drivers pay more for automobile insurance than older drivers? How much should an insurance policy cost? How much should an organization contribute each year to its pension fund? Answers to these questions are provided by actuaries, who design insurance and pension plans and ensure that they are maintained on a sound financial basis. Actuaries assemble and analyze statistics for use in determining what rates insurance companies should charge for different types of insurance, for underwriting or pension planning, and a variety of other related activities. Actuaries can work for insurance companies, consulting firms, and for state and federal agencies.

Applied Mathematician

Applied mathematicians use mathematical techniques to solve practical problems in business, government, engineering and the physical, life, and social sciences. For example, they model aspects of oil recovery, study the effects of new drugs, and analyze the distribution costs of businesses. Some applied mathematicians analyze and decipher encryption systems designed to transmit national security-related information.


Statistics is the collection,analysis, and presentation of numerical data. Statisticians design, implement, and interpret the numerical results of surveys and experiments. They often apply their knowledge in the fields of biology, economics, engineering, medicine, or psychology. They may use statistical techniques to predict population growth or economic conditions, to develop quality control tests for manufacturing products, to assess the nature of environmental problems, or to help business managers and government officials make decisions and evaluate the results of new programs.