The department is dedicated to student learning by providing a broad exposure to a range of biological topics with a foundation in national and state science standards and opportunities for student research.

The?Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology?(B.A.) is ideal for students who wish to teach biology at the secondary level. Students pursuing a degree in secondary education also complete a variety of courses within the School of Education and Professional Studies and are assigned an adviser from that School. This degree option is also best for students who wish to combine a major in biology with another major offered by the College.

The?Bachelor of Science degree in Biology?(B.S.) is the best option for students who plan to enter graduate studies in biology or the health professions. PreMed students will complete all of the requirements for medical school in addition to the receiving an excellent preparation for professional exams (e.g. MCAT). This option is also best for students planning careers in Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Veterinary Sciences and postgraduate research in the life sciences (M.S. or Ph.D.).