They are in each point-of-sale terminal, ATM and inventory control system. In any hospital, you'll find computers used in patient records, controlling X-ray machines, CT scanners and MRI machines.

Computer engineers work on hardware, firmware and software, and they design the logic that goes into making products "smart." As a computer engineer, you’ll draw upon knowledge of computer science, electrical engineering, math and science to design, build and maintain systems that contain or use computers.

The Program Educational Objectives are:
  • Graduates are expected to have advanced their careers as contributing professionals who apply fundamental engineering knowledge and analytical problem solving skills in a wide variety of practical applications .
  • Graduates are expected to have become well-rounded citizens who rely on their engineering education to serve society with an understanding of their professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • Graduates are expected to have become effective and responsible collaborators who function well in diverse team environments. Some graduates will have emerged as leaders in their field.
  • Graduates are expected to have exhibited intellectual growth and pursue continual innovation in their field. Those graduates who are especially talented and motivated to pursue a graduate degree should be successful at entering and completing graduate studies.