Chemists like to unravel mysteries. They enjoy the challenge of discovering the secrets behind life. Did you know that our ideas, thoughts, moods, and mental stability involve electrochemical processes? Studies at the molecular level are helping us to understand the brain and life itself.

Why Study Chemistry at Clarkson?

Nearly every college and university offers a major in Chemistry. Some prepare secondary school teachers, others researchers. You will discover that Clarkson's program in Chemistry is special and exciting. The unique position of Clarkson University is the major reason we feel so strongly about our Chemistry program. Clarkson is a relatively small institution, about 2,800 students. Yet, we are one of the major research institutions in the Northeast. Many of our professors are internationally recognized. Just as important as our faculty's scientific credentials, however, is the fact that they care about teaching. They give personal attention to each student.

What kinds of facilities are available?

As a major research institution, we have instructional and research facilities that are state-of-the-art. At Clarkson, you will learn about technologies by using them, gaining hands-on experience in large-scale computing, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectrophotometry, relaxation spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, photometry, x-ray analysis, polarography, and many other exciting laboratory techniques.