Emerging industry needs are addressed using innovative instructional methods to deliver valid competencies and educational outcomes based on industry and stakeholder needs.

Specifically, the HCAP:

  • Prepares individuals for entry to mid-level management positions in group practice, ambulatory care, long-term care, hospitals, managed care organizations, and other health-related ?organizations.
  • Develops administrative, technical, problem-solving, conceptual, and human relations knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for future healthcare administrators and leaders.
  • Uses industry competency models and current evidence on teaching and learning to provide students the best quality education possible.
  • Fosters practical educational experiences and promotes interaction among students, alumni, and mentors in area and regional health organizations.
  • Works with each student in the program to ensure proper placement and professional development in administrative internships and initial positions, ?assuring an appropriate match between the individual and the healthcare ?organization.

Health care facilities constitute some of the most complex institutions in our society. These facilities and the scope of their services are becoming more responsive to the community they serve. The healthcare administrator is at the forefront of these activities and is in demand in a number of organizations, including hospitals, extended-care facilities, group practices, insurance companies, state and federal health agencies, educational programs and research institutions. The purpose of the undergraduate program in Healthcare Administration at Idaho State University is to prepare students for the wide range of activities needed for the administration of health care facilities and to provide courses for students majoring in other health-related programs. The program is designed to provide students with the basic requirements to pursue a graduate degree in the field. The curriculum leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Healthcare Administration with a minor in Business Administration. Students may enroll in the program at the beginning of any semester and must meet requirements as provided elsewhere.