The College of Business, an integral part of Idaho State University, shares the role and mission of the university as established by the State Board of Education. Idaho State University?s business programs respond to current and emerging demands within the state and region and serve local and statewide constituencies, including students seeking traditional, nontraditional and continuing education. The College also serves public and private sector management education and economic development needs and ?engages in research consistent with its undergraduate and graduate programs and public service mission.

The primary mission of the College is to offer high quality professional business educational programs. Excellent undergraduate teaching and learning is a top priority. In addition, quality graduate programs are a vital part of the educational mission. All areas of study appropriately emphasize the local, state, national, and international business environments. The College of Business delivers its educational programs on day and night schedules and at off-campus sites within the Idaho State University primary service area.

The research mission complements the instructional and public service missions. Research focuses on advancing understanding of theory and practice within the business disciplines, developing ways to teach business disciplines more effectively, and defining issues affecting ?economic ?development in the region and state.

The service mission of the College uses the expertise of its faculty and staff to enhance economic development. Public service ?programs focus on continuing education needs of business professionals and applied research and assistance needed by Idaho organizations.

In addition to its primary teaching, research, and service missions, the College of Business supports other programs within the university by providing courses and faculty support.