Students develop an understanding of the nature of justice and analyze controversial justice issues through critical inquiry and social science investigation. While primary focus is placed on theories of justice; legal studies; social and economic justice students may elect a Criminal Justice emphasis that will allow them to pursue their interests in law enforcement, corrections, and other legal careers.

It is required that justice studies students choose a minor that complements and supports the major area of study. Students interested in law enforcement careers would find that such minors as sociology, political science, psychology, accounting, modern language and literatures, communication, and techni?cal education are among those that would best contribute to success in their careers. Students interested in the legal profession would find that such minors as philosophy, political science, sociology, and psychology would best contribute to success in their careers. Students interested in the field of forensics would find that minors such as biology and chemistry would best contribute to success in their careers. These are a few examples of how related areas of study can supplement the justice studies degree.