• With the potent combination of foundational business knowledge, analytical expertise, and an innovative perspective, our graduates will be able to identify areas of business where analytics can add value and communicate effectively with the data scientists who will crunch the numbers.
  • The Innovation - Business Analytics Concentration at Jefferson (Philadelphia University and Thomas Jefferson University) is intended to produce information and systems specialists who can integrate analytics in various aspects of business decision-making that can range from data mining for marketing to database management for customer relationship management to building models for supply chain management, as well as accounting and financial models for business decision making in a business environment.
  • Unique Features
    • Equip students for 21st-century careers in brand management, customer relationship management, supply chain management, strategic planning, risk management, public finance, new service or product development, and management consulting that all require analytical thinking to solve business problems in an innovative manner.
    • Provide the analytical skills and knowledge that business professionals need to engage in innovative thinking and to gain competitive edge in the highly competitive global market place. It will also equip students with the tools and techniques they need:
    • Leverage the latest information technologies to support the use of information (in the form of data) in management decision-making
    • Integrate information and internal controls into cross-functional business information systems.