The marketing curriculum at Fox provides students with occupationally-viable skills and professional development opportunities.

Contemporary marketing focuses on performance metrics and the Fox marketing curriculum seeks to immerse students in the quantitative methods and the behavioral sciences necessary to address marketing problems. Experiential and active learning are common in the upper division curriculum and projects are often offered in cooperation with business and government organizations.

Students are encouraged to choose specific curriculum-based course sequences within the curriculum which offer more in-depth coverage of topics and provide job-ready skills. These sequences include: Supply Chain Management, Digital Marketing, Consumer Insights, Sales Force Effectiveness, and Retailing.

Marketing majors have varied career choices, including:

  • Advertising – including media planning, social media, or account management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Direct Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • International or Global Marketing
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing Research and consumer insights
  • Non-profit organizations such as hospitals and universities
  • Sales and sales management
  • Wholesaling and Retail Management, including buying and allocations