A major in International Business Administration is a great choice for students who:

  • Want to have productive and enriching interactions with foreigners;
  • Want to develop and leverage a foreign language proficiency;
  • Want to be able to assess and hedge risks of doing business abroad for their employer
  • Will pursue international business opportunities (e.g. international procurement, foreign clients) for their employer;
  • Want to become familiar with the practical techniques required by international trade;
  • Would like to pursue a professional career that requires frequent travel abroad.

A major in International Business Administration combines coursework in international business (IB), geographical area studies, and foreign language. This educational experience is designed to equip students with the knowledge and global perspectives required to thrive in the global workforce of the twenty-first century. The IB major prepares students to understand the various challenges businesses face when they operate in an international environment. As the world is globalizing several emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil have become important players in the international arena in the past two decades. The IB program emphasizes learning to do business in these emerging markets through elective courses such as Fundamentals of Asian Business, Fundamentals of Latin American Business, and Special Topics in IB.