• The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Art History degree program at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture teaches students how to think critically and conduct research about the history of culture—all with a visual, interdisciplinary, and global perspective—preparing students for a wide range of careers or further study at the graduate level.
  • The program is designed to foster a lifelong interest in and sensitivity to the arts as a fundamental form of human expression and communication, equipping students with strong skills in a world in which visual literacy is vitally important.
  • Based at one of the nation's top art schools, Tyler's art history major offers access to dynamic faculty members with a diverse range of interests; the resources of a large research university; study abroad programs in Rome and Tokyo; and opportunities for field trips, research, internships and enrichment in Philadelphia, a vibrant center of art, culture, and history located near both New York and Washington, D.C.
  • Tyler art history students find jobs in the non-profit and for-profit sectors, including museums, galleries, libraries, auction houses, publishers and more and earn placements in the most competitive graduate programs. To prepare for careers in the arts, students are encouraged to participate in internships at museums and galleries.