• The University of Pennsylvania offers an MSc Architecture with a duration of 3 years.
  • This course is offered on a full-time basis.
  • This program is provided on-campus.
  • It consists of 29 credits.
  • The Master of Architecture is a comprehensive and rigorous program, preparing graduates for the full range of activities in the profession. 
  • Thorough training is also provided in history, theory, technology, ecology, society, and professional practice.
  • At the upper levels of the program students establish individual trajectories by selecting from a range of elective studios and courses with leading figures in design, technology and theory.
  • The program aims to develop critical, creative and independent thinking that realizes potentials within an ever-changing world. 
  • The Master of Architecture degree is a professional degree accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).
  • Some of the courses are:
    • Design Studio
    • History and Theory
    • Visual Studies
    • Construction
    • Structures
    • Advanced Design: Research Studio
    • Technology Designated Elective 
  • The student-faculty ratio at the University of Pennsylvania is 6:1.
  • According to PayScale, the average salary of goes upto 66,587 USD.