• Physics is a broad science, encompassing many sub-fields that study the universe at its largest (astronomy & astrophysics), its smallest(nuclear & particle physics), and points in between.
  • It touches on the cores of every other science (biophysics, applied physics, medical physics).
  • It is both an applied field that leads directly to technological innovation (solid state & atomic physics) and an abstract field devoted to questions that have puzzled mankind since ancient times (cosmology & theoretical physics).
  • Physicists are at the forefront in the creation of the modern world.
  • Physicists discovered radio waves, x-rays, radioactivity, electromagnetism,superconductivity, and the structure of the atom and its constituents. They invented radar, transistors, computers, lasers,MRI’s, electron microscopes, nuclear power, and the CCD at the heart of your digital camera.
  • Even the World Wide Web was born from a physics research program.