Students of neuroscience are also diverse. For example, some students are primarily interested in questions of how consciousness arises from the human brain, while others become fascinated with molecular aspects of neurons, others with the development of these complex neural systems, and still others with the origins of social behavior. Neuroscience students at Smith receive excellent preparation for a wide range of careers including research, medicine, biotechnology, pharmacology, and a variety of other careers.What do Neuroscience students do?

  • Some students as seniors join the national neuroscience honor society for undergraduates.
  • After graduation, many go to graduate school or health-professions schools, often after taking some time to explore various job opportunities. Recent grads have worked as research assistants in laboratories investigating areas as diverse as anesthesia, cognition, vision, and sleep. Or they've taken a variety of other jobs including working for public health agencies and environmental services agencies and even as horse trainers!