Data scientists manage, mine, and analyze big data across multiple disciplines and use computational thinking to gain new knowledge and solve real-world problems of high complexity.

As a data science major at UMass Dartmouth, students will build a strong foundation in information theory and in the methods and tools of mathematics and computer science. They will  gain skills in complex problem solving, data-driven discovery, decision support, machine learning, predictive and visual analytics, and statistics.

They will be prepared for leadership positions in data analytics, discovery informatics, information management, and knowledge engineering. Businesses, government, healthcare, and the natural and social sciences need more data scientists to explore and explain complex information.

For the BS in data science, students need to complete 73 credit hours in courses within computer and information science and mathematics, and 120 credits overall.

Offered jointly by the computer science department and the mathematics department, the data science curriculum covers topics such as data visualization and matrix methods for data mining as well as more traditional courses in computer and information science and mathematics.