We offer a terminal MA degree in philosophy. We are now offering up to two assistantships per admissions year to MA students. These assistantships currently carry a stipend of approximately $16,000, health insurance and a tuition waiver. MA students who are not funded may complete their degrees part-time, and may begin their studies in either the fall or the spring. Students who complete their MA here may apply to the PhD program, and will compete on the same footing as all candidates applying with MA degrees in philosophy. The MA requires either 30 hours of coursework (for students who write a thesis), or 36 hours of coursework (for students who take the MA exam). The prerequisite is a Bachelor's degree in philosophy. (In exceptional cases, an applicant may be admitted with a Bachelor's degree in another field, if the applicant has completed substantial philosophy coursework.) MA students take classes alongside PhD students and receive full faculty support and attention.