Our finance program is designed to train students to succeed in multiple career tracks, including financial planning, investment management, commercial banking, investment banking, trading, financial analysis, corporate finance, research, regulation, and more.

A degree in finance or risk management opens many different career pathways to you. Your career path can lead you to become

  • A corporate finance manager who makes financing, investment, and cash management decisions;
  • An investment manager who decides how best to invest clients’ money;
  • A commercial banker who lends to individuals and businesses;
  • An investment banker who underwrites stock issues and facilitates corporate mergers;
  • A trader who takes positions in stocks, bonds, currencies, or commodities;
  • A financial analyst who gathers, distills, and provides information vital for investment decisions to various clients;
  • A risk analyst who analyzes deals from a risk standpoint and determines if returns are commensurate with the risks involved;
  • A modeler who forecasts the behavior of prices and volatilities with sophisticated models;
  • A regulator who oversees the activities of stock exchanges and financial institutions;
  • A financial planner who helps clients plan for major financial goals such as retirement;