The Chemistry (Professional) major is most suitable for majors who plan to pursue a graduate degree after obtaining their baccalaureate degree. It is the most rigorous in its chemistry course requirements. The professional degree program also is a very good choice for students who begin their chemical studies unsure of their ultimate degree goal. This is because it is much easier to switch from the Professional degree program to either the Chemistry Standard or Biochemistry degree programs, even as late as the senior year, than it is to switch to the professional option from the standard option or biochemistry degree program.

The Chemistry (Professional) degree is certified by the American Chemical Society as appropriate for students wanting to pursue graduate studies. It also provides the best background in chemistry for students planning to pursue a job in chemistry after obtaining the baccalaureate degree. It is not a required degree for graduate study in chemistry or biochemistry, however, and some students prefer to take one of the other degree options so that there is room in their schedules to take additional courses outside chemistry that meet their career goals. For example, students wanting to pursue a research career in pharmaceutical research or biochemistry would probably want to take additional courses in microbiology or zoology. The Professional degree requires a total of 40 credit hours of chemistry courses beyond General Chemistry.