• Information systems enable people to access the information they need, collaborate, make decisions, and perform their jobs and personal activities effectively. 
  • The M.S. in Business and Information Systems is a STEM* degree that teaches students concepts in both business and information systems.
  • The focus of the degree is on the application of computing and information systems in business, government, and non-profit organizations.
  • Besides learning about information systems topics such as databases, application development tools, web design, software use and evaluation, management information, and decision support systems, students will learn business topics such as accounting, management, marketing, finance, and business operations.
  • Technology and science are dramatically changing our economy and our society. This is creating new business opportunities and needs, with an increasing push for computing employees to be more involved in designing and evaluating business information systems for both small companies as well as major corporations. Information systems employees must have a solid understanding of business fundamentals to succeed. 
  • Specifically designed to address this issue, the M.S. in Business and Information Systems is primarily for students who want to prepare for careers where they will do requirements analysis and application systems design and development, as well as use, analyze and evaluate computing applications and systems in a business environment. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics points to a very strong need for managers with technical skills well into the next decade.