• The MSIS is a STEM degree that prepares people to become business and systems analysts, data scientists, systems and application designers, and designers of user interfaces and user experience. The curriculum core focuses on business mining and analytics, systems design that both extracts and utilizes this business data, and the techniques that assure the effectiveness of the user interface for such systems. Four electives provide broad flexibility to develop expertise in related analytics, design, business, and computing areas of interest to the student.
  • The field of Information Systems (IS) aims to bridge the fields of computer science and business. It resides in the interaction of these two fields. IS professionals serve as the critical link between the technical areas and other areas of an organization.
  • NJIT's IS professors are experts in the field and are very student-focused. NJIT’s IS graduates place among the highest-paying and most plentiful jobs nationally. NJIT’s very active Career Services Division promotes many co-op and internship opportunities with major local companies. This is fostered by our location within Northern New Jersey’s high concentration of business and industry, and NJIT is just ½ hour from midtown Manhattan by train.  We welcome both part-time and full-time students and offer relatively low tuition rates for the region.