The department provides an environment that gives students the background and skills necessary for entry into today's workplace.

 This is achieved through team research in state-of-the-art facilities; a faculty that works steadily in the forefront of many research areas; interaction with industry and experts; and an administration focused on research and student services. As a result, the department attracts the largest student population for computer and information science in the greater New York/New Jersey area.

The computer science department maintains and offers computing facilities for its students, faculty, and staff. The computing facilities include research laboratories housing research in areas of computer science such as: networking, real-time systems, hypermedia, parallel processing, and collaborative systems. 

Users have access to the state-of-the-art software and hardware including Oracle database, UNIX-based workstations and Microsoft Windows PCs supported by several file and compute servers. Internet access, departmental intranets, and conferencing systems provide an integrated infrastructure for supporting teaching and research.