• Computers impact nearly all areas of human endeavor. Therefore, the department also offers courses for students who do not plan a computer science major or concentration. The computer science majors offer maximum flexibility by providing students with a range of options for program specialization. The department offers four majors: computer science; information science; computer science-statistics; and computer science-mathematics, offered jointly with the Mathematics Department.
  • Students study a common core of fundamental topics, supplemented by a track that identifies specific areas for deeper study. The foundations track prepares students for advanced work in fundamental, theoretical, and mathematical aspects of computing, including analysis of algorithms, scientific computing, and security. The systems track prepares students for immediate employment in the computer industry as well as advanced study in software engineering, operating systems, computer-aided digital design, computer architecture, programming languages, and user interfaces. The intelligent systems track provides specialization for the student interested in natural language processing and systems capable of exhibiting ?human-like? intelligence. The applications track is for students interested in the implementation of interactive multimedia content for the Internet and wireless applications. The vision, graphics, interaction, and robotics track exposes students to computer vision, graphics, human-computer interaction, and robotics.