• Train foreign attorneys in the rapidly expanding cross-border practice of law. All TLP students receive an in-depth education of transnational practice. In addition to the capstone Transnational Legal Practice courses, our students take courses focusing on the increasing legal interconnectedness of the world. In addition to learning the law in traditional lectures, TLP students learn the law by engaging in supervised simulations meant to mimic transnational practice.
  • Educate global attorneys within New York City. TLP students benefit from St. John?s location in New York City. Our TLP students are able to attend events focused on transnational practice at the New York City Bar Association, attend panels at major conferences like International Law Weekend, and visit the United Nations. We also bring esteemed practitioners onto campus to provide real-world insight to our students.
  • Enhance non-native English speaking attorneys? skills in practicing law in English. The TLP program places a strong emphasis on communicating in legal English, and works with non-native English speakers to enhance these skills. TLP students take specialized courses focused on legal research, writing, and analysis. They also present during role play simulations and work on weekly writing assignments to improve their English. Our students leave TLP with an enhanced ability to work in English.
  • St. John?s University School of Law and Lyon Catholic University Law School offer a dual LL.M. International Trade & Investment Law/LL.M. in Transnational Legal Practice program starting in September. The program, entirely taught in English, is designed specifically for students interested in working in international trade, customs, and investment positions. Topics include regional trade agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP), EU trade law, trade and development, TRIPs agreement, trade preferences, international banking regulation, and bilateral investment treaties.

    The students will spend the Fall semester in Lyon (France) from September to December, and the Spring semester in New York City (U.S.A.) from January to May. This gives the unique chance to be immersed in two distinct linguistic, cultural and legal contexts.

    All students enrolled in this track receive a dual diploma (an LL.M. in European and International Trade and Investment Law by Lyon Catholic University and an LL.M. in Transnational Legal Practice by St. John?s).