This Mathematical Physics program will prepare graduates to:
Demonstrate understanding and application of fundamental physical laws and concepts.
  • Apply fundamental physical principles to the solution of problems presented in mathematical and verbal forms.
  • Calculate standard problems in fundamental subjects including mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, wave motion and modern physics.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in laboratory procedures.
Communicate scientific work effectively in writing and speaking.
  • Write accurate and analytical laboratory reports.
  • Analyze and respond effectively to qualitative questions.
  • Present effective oral and written reports in course and research projects.
Utilize computers for computation and simulation.
  • Perform computer-assisted calculations to solve differential equations and sets of linear equations.
  • Demonstrate ability to model physical systems digitally.
Demonstrate preparedness for transition to the next career step.
  • Explore and report career options
  • Explore and report opportunities for specialized training
  • Determine graduate school and/or professional school requirements and possible future options
Demonstrate the ability to participate in society as a scientifically literate citizen
  • Apply concepts and viewpoints to world issues and various aspects of life utilizing scientific thought, reasoning and knowledge.
  • Recognize major emerging societal issues in order to be in a position to contribute to resolution of future challenges.