Discover the advantages of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History at St. John?s University. This 126-credit program is your introduction to many exciting careers, and the skills you develop will increase your chances for a successful career in almost any field.

Offered by St. John?s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ? the University's oldest division ? the program features an award-winning faculty that cares about your growth as a student and an individual. Our History program connects the past to the present, providing an in-depth study of the world?s major civilizations, cultures and events. From ancient to contemporary times, course offerings span the globe and include the histories of the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.

As a history major you will learn vital skills such as effective writing, critical analysis, in-depth research and interdisciplinary thinking, all of which will prove extremely valuable as you pursue a career after graduation.

Global Approach to Education

Students take advantage of St. John?s location in dynamic New York City. Our faculty and Career Center have strong ties to employers and other professional and educational resources throughout the New York area. Students make New York their classroom through innovative courses like Discover New York.

Students also benefit from St. John's focus on an international academic experience. The University offers extensive study abroad courses during the academic year as well as the winter and summer semesters. Students can live and learn at St. John's Rome, Italy, campus and Paris, France, location.