You can prepare for these career opportunities through the Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Marketing at St. John's. Offered by The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, the 124-credit program prepares students for marketing positions in for-profit and non-profit organizations. Students learn the basic concepts and skills necessary to be leaders in the field. Courses focus on such areas as strategic planning, pricing, distribution, advertising, promotion and cultural influences on marketing efforts.

The curriculum reflects St. John’s emphasis on providing students with a rigorous education encompassing a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences as well as a firm grounding in the basic principles of business.

The program leverages the University's resources as a metropolitan institution by giving students access to invaluable for-credit internship opportunities at leading New York City-area business organizations. This experience, in turn, is highly prized by potential employers.

St. John’s Vincentian values are also reflected in the program's emphasis on teaching ethical business practices and stressing the importance of social justice in making business decisions.