The field of actuarial science is demanding, rigorous and rewarding. Professional certification as an actuary in the United States requires passing one of two examination series; one is administered by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the other by the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS). Actuaries are in high demand. Most work for insurance companies, consulting and investment firms, government agencies, employee benefit departments of large corporations, hospitals, or banks.

The Actuarial Science program in the Tobin College of Business at St John’s University is recognized by the Society of Actuaries as a Center of Actuarial Excellence. Students learn not only quantitative analysis skills in preparation to pass professional examinations but also earn an undergraduate degree in business, which provides them with an education in accounting, finance, management, marketing, risk management and computer information systems.

Career Outcomes

Students will be prepared to:

  • Identify, measure and manage risk and exposure to catastrophe losses
  • Apply probability pricing models for insurance products and insurance-related events
  • Recognize market needs and develop new markets
  • Use sophisticated productivity software
  • Identify sources of new capital and analyze the impact of globalization
  • Formulate an effective business plan
  • Integrate in-depth knowledge of legal and regulatory environment in decision making process
  • Deliver effective and well-written presentations.