• Master of Public Administration at the Rutgers University-New Jersey is a 2-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on both a full-time and a part-time basis.
  • The program provides professional competencies in public administration and management and gives students a broad understanding of the field and its relevant issues.
  • Students become competent at defining pu­­­blic problems, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, developing and communicating creative solutions, and implementing ethical and practical courses of action.
  • Students have to successfully complete 42 credits for this program.
  • The core curriculum areas of the study program are:
    • Foundational: Provides an understanding of public administration contexts and key professional competencies for public and nonprofit sectors
    • Analytical: Examines quantitative and qualitative data methods and research design
    • Managerial: Provides foundations in an organization and human resources management
    • Financial: Examines financial contexts and budgeting skills
    • Applications: Provides students with the opportunity to utilize what they have learned in the program via a real-world capstone project.
  • The Capstone Project serves as a culminating experience in the MPA program. It provides students with an opportunity to integrate learning from various courses with applied analysis of real-world issues. 
  • The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree is a professional degree for students seeking a career in public service or nonprofit management.