• Faculty members within the Department of Medicinal Chemistry are actively engaged in research projects that include the discovery of new drug entities, the enhancement of drug efficacy by developing mechanism-based prodrugs, and the identification of biologically active metabolites.
  • The graduate program offers the opportunity to earn either a M.S. or Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry. Rutgers University is located in central New Jersey, an area that is home to one of the highest concentrations of pharmaceutical industry in the nation.
  • The Department is committed to providing a thorough understanding of those factors that influence drug design to both pharmacy and non-pharmacy majors at Rutgers.
  • The Graduate Program in Medicinal Chemistry is dedicated to developing skilled professionals capable of capitalizing on scientific advances as they emerge.
  • The twenty-first century has begun with the mapping of the human genome.
  • This opens unparalleled opportunities for the development of novel drugs with ever increasing selectivity and efficacy.
  • Medicinal Chemistry stands out as a discipline exquisitely poised to take advantage of this major scientific advance.