The aim of the program is to ensure that students who complete it will be technically competent, well versed in the scientific principles that underlie their work, and well informed about the societal and institutional criminal justice settings in which they do it.

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology offers a broad and comprehensive program of study that leads to immediate employment as a chemist or admission to graduate/professional schools for further education. A major in Chemistry may be completed in several ways.  Various options permit students to select an area of concentration that reflects their particular interests and career goals. Course requirements for each of the majors are available through the list of options that appears below.

The Department also offers an honors program for eligible students. Requirements for participation in the chemistry honors programs are described on the Honors Program page.

A Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and Chemical Biology provides a strong basis for a wide range of careers. A firm education in a physical science makes a student especially well qualified for direct employment or for graduate and professional studies in many areas of the basic and applied sciences.