Students who earn M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Sciences will:

  • develop a broad, interdisciplinary understanding of environmental processes, problems, and solutions;
  • develop specialized understanding within a chosen sub-field of environmental science;
  • conduct original research within a chosen sub-field of environmental science (Ph.D. and M.S. thesis option);
  • develop the ability to effectively communicate scientific data, concepts, and problems orally and in writing, and through the production of clear and compelling graphics (figures, tables, and schematics);
  • be prepared to assume positions of professional leadership in industry, government, and non-profit sectors or to continue their graduate studies (M.S. program);
  • be prepared to assume positions of scholarly leadership in academia, industry, government, and non-profit sectors (Ph.D. program);
  • be prepared to participate in scientific and professional associations and other activities within the scientific community or society at large;
  • understand and uphold scientific and professional ethics in their work.