The curriculum for a B.S. degree in Mathematics consists of a minimum of 120 semester hours, of which 42 must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. A minimum of 38 semester hours must be in Mathematics or Statistics, exclusive of MATH 1005, 1115, 1710, 1720, and 1730 with at least 27 of these being at the 3000 or 4000 level, exclusive of MATH 3710, 4724, and 4750. Note that Computer Science 3900 may be used to satisfy upper level course requirements for the major in Mathematics. The 38 hours in Mathematics are differentiated into a required core and an appropriate specialization. Further requirements include 12 hours (6 hours for teacher certification candidates) of Computer Science and 8 hours of Physics. Also it is strongly recommended that the student include related areas (RA ? s) of interest in the program of study. Because of the very tight prerequisite structure, no major program in Mathematics should be started without first consulting a major advisor. No Mathematics or Statistics course in which a grade below C is earned will be counted towards meeting the Mathematics major core requirements.
The Mathematics core consists of a calculus sequence, an introduction to real analysis, courses in linear and abstract algebra, a sequence in either advanced calculus or modern algebra, and a senior project. A methods course in the teaching of mathematics is required for those who are certifying to teach. In addition to successfully completing 38 hours of course work (grade C or above), the major must pass a written comprehensive examination on the core requirements.