MTSU's Philosophy Department sponsors an annual lecture series, the Applied Philosophy Lyceum, conceived with Aristotle's Lyceum in mind. The Lyceum has covered topics ranging from issues in environmental ethics to theories of love and friendship. In its 20-year history, the series has brought such distinguished speakers as Arthur Danto, Lewis Gordon, Joel Kovel, Helen Longino, and Bart Ehrman to MTSU. Recent topics included "Misquoting Jesus," "What's a Black Artist?," and "Dressing Down Dressing Up: The Philosophic Fear of Fashion."

Philosophy majors can use their logic, argumentation, and communication skills for a number of professions. Those can range from creating software and developing computer language, to pursuing legal and mediation careers, to helping shape policy for non-profit and governmental organizations. Examples of professions include

  • Curator/archivist/arts management
  • Editor/publisher
  • Executive/management
  • Lawyer
  • Mediator
  • Non-profit policy maker
  • Novelist/non-fiction writer/poet
  • Philosophical counselor
  • Software creator/systems engineer
  • Teacher/professor
  • Technical writer