Good managers don't do all the work themselves. They allocate resources, empower their subordinates, develop skills in others, and serve as the head cheerleader. They make things happen by asking questions, encouraging critical thinking, and motivating the team to discover solutions. Rather than manage people, really excellent managers manage resources that challenge others to achieve and grow. That's the right stuff of which emerging leaders are made.Your career just may start here

Every fall semester the Department of Management sponsors “Digging Deeper,” a networking opportunity for Management, Marketing, and Business Administration majors,with 25 to 30 employers who visit MTSU. Every spring, the Business Exchange for Student Talent (BEST) career fair hosts area employers who meet with students majoring in Management, Marketing, or Business Administration. Both events allow students to ask questions, explore career paths, and form mentorships.The Management program at MTSU provides the foundation for students to successfully pursue many different career paths. Examples include

  • Capacity planning analyst
  • Compensation specialist
  • Employee benefits professional
  • Employee relations specialist
  • Employee selection professional
  • Government administrator
  • Human resources manager
  • Human resources recruiter
  • Industrial/labor relations specialist
  • Industry administrator