The major in Aerospace can pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in one of six possible concentrations: Flight Dispatch, Maintenance Management, Professional Pilot, Administration, Technology, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations.

Bring order to the skies!

  • MTSU's Aerospace Department has one of the largest university Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) programs in the country. This program allows graduates to be recommended to the FAA for the final segment of Air Traffic Controller Training and hiring. (Any MTSU Aerospace student can enter the program.)
Raiders in the air
  • For some students, the sky's not the limit so much as it's the destination. The MTSU Flying Raiders was formed to compete in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association's (NIFA) competitions. In 1993, participation in the team was opened up to the whole University to get more than just aerospace competitors. As a result, one doesn't need an Aerospace major to join the Flying Raiders. (The current membership includes Physics and Engineering majors.)