When you understand chemistry, you begin to understand the extraordinary nature of the world?down to its most basic particles. Chemistry is the science of the materials we use, the medicine we take, the environment we live in?and the food we eat. Our department gives students the opportunity to learn?skills that will lead to tomorrow?s discoveries.?Through in-depth instruction?,??hands-on research?and independent projects conducted with award-winning??faculty?, chemistry students learn to question, experiment?and innovate.??

Students with an undergraduate chemistry degree pursue a variety of careers. Our graduates?have successfully found jobs in industries like pharmacy, manufacturing, government and public service.?and in government facilities.?Basically, any career?that benefits from a solid science background is an option.?Many students go on to medical school or pharmacy school, and others earn graduate degrees in other STEM fields as well as journalism, law, public service?and manufacturing.?The department offers a??Bennett Careers for Chemists??program?every April to provide students with the perspective and advice of professionals in several careers.?