The department is housed in both Leon Johnson Hall and the Plant BioScience Facility located on the Bozeman campus. The research laboratories range in size from 600-720 sq. ft and are assigned to individual researchers. Individual laboratories are well equipped with the instruments and tools necessary to complete each research project. Researchers cooperate to purchase, share and maintain expensive pieces of specialized equipment or facilities such as the Electron Microscope Lab. Laboratories and offices are wired with high-speed computer lines for direct access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. The faculty has access to the Plant Growth Center Facility (a teaching and research facility available to the College of Agriculture staff). The current 60,000 square-foot facility houses 29 glasshouse rooms with 8,300 square feet of bench space – both temperature and lights are micro-computer controlled; 13 walk in growth rooms where all environmental variables are computer controlled; insect quarantine facilities with separate glasshouses and growth chambers; plant pathogen isolation facilities with 4 glasshouse rooms of 320 sq. ft; the Montana Potato Lab which is responsible for providing disease free seed stock to Montana potato producers. Other important accesses to the department are the Horticulture Farm, Post Research Farm, which is a 300 acre site dedicated to plant and soil research activities, and the MSU Herbarium located in Lewis Hall