The educational objectives for the IMSE program are that Industrial and Management Systems Engineering graduates will:

  • Use industrial and management systems engineering tools and knowledge in their chosen career paths.
  • Employ effective communication.
  • Work in multidisciplinary professional teams.
  • Engage in life-long learning, including post-graduate education for some graduates.
  • Contribute to industry and society, including involvement in professional and other service activities.
  • Design, manage, improve, and integrate systems across a broad range of organizations.
  • Participate in ethical leadership in design and operational activities that contribute to their organization and community.

The undergraduate curriculum in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering (IMSE) includes mathematics, basic sciences, humanities, social sciences, engineering sciences, design, and communication courses distributed over a four-year period. An important feature of the program is to teach students to foster the ability to comprehend, define, and analyze problems; synthesize alternatives; and rationally choose appropriate solutions. This requires a broad technical education that motivates life-long learning to keep pace with technological and social changes.