Briefly defined, architecture is the art and science of designing buildings that provide appropriate accommodation for human activities. Professional practice requires a person with the unique combination of creative ability, technical knowledge, human understanding, and administrative skill. The undergraduate Environmental Design curriculum, which leads to the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design degree, prepares students to enter the graduate program in Architecture at MSU or serves as a basis for application to other graduate programs or for employment as a non-architect in environmental design fields. However, the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design degree by itself does not qualify students to become registered architects. Students wishing to become registered architects must complete the graduate program of study and receive the accredited Master of Architecture degree.
Once admitted to the Environmental Design program, and after completing their fourth year design studios, students with an acceptable academic record may apply to the Master of Architecture professional program. Specific dates for graduate applications can be obtained from the main office of the School of Architecture. The program offers a professional education as well as exposure to other academic disciplines, and provides the foundation for an internship with a practicing architect.