Health Enhancement is a comprehensive approach to combining the traditional areas of Health Education and Physical Education. It is a contemporary curriculum where healthy lifestyles and concepts are achieved through skillful movement with an emphasis on physical fitness, healthy lifestyle management skills, and understanding of the total self (physical, intellectual, emotional, and social). 

In addition to the traditional approach to teaching fundamental movement, skills, games, and dance, this curriculum emphasizes the overall health of the individual as a value in life and enhances critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills of future teachers and their students. Courses within this curriculum represent a combination of content knowledge (health enhancement, health education, and physical education) along with a strong background in pedagogical content knowledge (teaching methods and curriculum). Students majoring in Health Enhancement develop a professional development portfolio based on national beginning teacher standards. The final semester consists of student teaching in two public school placements.

Upon completion of the degree, students are eligible for certification in teaching K-12 Health Enhancement, Physical Education, and/or Health Education in Montana and other states.